Does Your Cat Need A Catio?
A Catio is an outdoor enclosure or “Cat Patio” for you cat. If your cat is getting into cat fights, injuring wildlife, or digging up your neighbor’s gardens, you may want to consider one!
Indoor cats can become quite miserable being cooped up all day. This can cause all kinds of behavioral problems. Destructive behavior, litter box issues, and fighting if you have more than one cat in a home. A Catio could help alleviate some of these problems.
They come in all shapes and sizes to suit any budget!
From a simple Window Box design
To Colorful Catio Creations!
Even Custom Catios for the Sports Fan!
Click here for DIY Catio Plans
Click here for Custom Catio Information
A Big Thanks to for their great ideas and keeping cats happy and healthy!!
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