Do Pet Sitters Get “Burned Out?” That can’t be possible… It’s the best job in the world!
You ARE right, it IS the best job in the world, especially when you love animals!!
So how does “Pet Sitter Burnout” happen…? Let’s go a little deeper my friend…
Many small business Pet Sitters do not have employees, therefore, working almost 365 days a year.
Yes, a Pet Sitter can have a clientele of about 100 clients. Lucky for you, your Pet Sitter Extraordinaire will not take a “Day Off” right in the middle of your trip to Scotland. After all, your pudgy pal needs to eat! That means weekends, nights and early mornings are time for work! Unless your Pet Sitter schedules time off far in advance, there is always a client traveling and always work to be done! Never a dull moment in Pet Land!
Most Pet Sitters also do their own marketing, accounting, taxes, invoicing, scheduling, and more! Even counseling services when a client is going through a difficult medical issue with their pet! All this being said…..I believe most Pet Sitters to be Super Human, but that hasn’t come out to the general public yet… I’m working on the press release…..
So when does this Wonder Pet Sitter have any personal time? That’s the million-dollar question! A lot of Pet Sitters eventually dissolve their business due to the struggle of juggling the many difficulties pet sitting presents to personal life. Many a tolerant husband or boyfriend awaits in the background as a support system for your Pet Sitter! Simple enjoyments like going to a romantic dinner or movie can be interrupted by the “PING!” of the phone, and the question of, “How is Fluffy doing?” Hooray to the tolerant husband!
Don’t get me wrong, I have the best job in the world and you may keep your office job, LOL! So what is a Pet Sitter to do……?
- Keep Calls or Texts to your Pet Sitter during business hours
- Refrain from emailing requests during Christmas week, major holidays, and Weekends
- ASK your Pet Sitter if they have availability ~ BEFORE you book a trip
- Avoid changing your reservation if possible (and therefore requiring many amended invoices)
All of these can help your Pet Sitter avoid burnout by giving them some personal time
Your Pet Sitter LOVES YOU! She works hard for you because she enjoys you! It’s TRUE! However, your Pet Sitter is merely a multi-celled human… She also loves….. evenings with her husband, time with her children, parents, and friends, and partaking in her hobbies and quiet time. All efforts helping her steer clear of the wretched “Burnout” will be rewarded to you in Heaven! In the near future, cloning your Super Star Pet Sitter could allow for 24-hour access to all things “Pet Sitting”. But alas, for now, we will stick to business hours.
I hope you enjoyed my Blog on “Pet Sitting Behind the Scenes!”
My best to you now and always!
Carole Hopkins, Pawsitively Petsitting, The Woodlands, Texas
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